We build a personal relationship with our clients in understanding their individual needs and goals, and whole-heartedly assist them in achieving the healthiest and happiest version of their body mind and soul…


“Exams and Grades are temporary, Education is permanent”. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.- Benjamin Franklin

Exam Healing

Students go through lot of pressure, stress and anxiety when exams are nearing, reasons may be multiple. Maintaining a child’s mental health to optimum level is very important during this time. With Yoga Prana Vidya Exam Healing students will become stress free, calm and will attend their exams more confidently. Their focus, concentration will improve drastically and their ability to grasp things will enhance too. Avail this opportunity to observe best results in children. “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world, they deserve to shine.“

“Don’t stress the could haves. If it should have, it would have. Stop focusing on how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are.”

Stress Healing

We miss being that little kid with no stress, worries or care in the world. Stress is a normal human response that happens to everyone while dealing with various situations in day to day life. The “fight-or-flight response,” helps our body face stressful situations. However, problem arises if the stress is too much and for prolonged period of time. This causes wear and tear of the body. We can’t avoid stress, but we can keep it from getting the best out of us. Enjoy the soothing healing energies to get relief from the pent up stress arising all throughout the week by joining this “Stress healing session”.

“Giving is the secret of Prosperity and Abundance. Abundance and Prosperity begin with Gratitude and Appreciation.”

Prosperity Healing

Dwell in Prosperity consciousness. Attract Good Luck. Experience Prosperity healing through your aura and chakras. Remove inner negative programming towards Prosperity from within your entire system. Overcome your inner obstacles against success by disintegrating limiting restricting thoughts and emotions about prosperity, by removing negative attitudes and blocks and poverty consciousness energies. Enrich and Recharge your aura and chakras with prosperity energy. Increase your clarity as well as focus on your targets/goals.

“A great relationship is about two things: First, Appreciating the similarities And Second, Respecting the differences.”

Relationship Healing

Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and living a full life. Healthy relationships involve freedom to make their own decisions, open communication, honesty, trust, respect of each other’s independence and they take effort and compromise from both people. Also, people in good relationship know to share equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities. However, sometimes we are unable to do so and differences occur. Avail this healing service to improve your relationship with your loved ones by leaps and bounds. With Relationship Healing our understanding and acceptance towards the other person will enhance greatly, we are able to empathize with others in a better way, the spirit of forgiveness and letting go will improve considerably, the ability to reconcile will increase. Come and Experience a loving peaceful relationship.

The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Emotional Healing

Like Bad weather, negative emotions may also be unpleasant or destructive, yet people should no more wish for unremitting happiness than for continual clear skies. “True Emotional Healing doesn’t happen without feeling. The only way out is through.” As we all know, 95% of the physical ailments we experience always have an emotional cause. Emotional Healing helps us overcome the root cause of the physical ailment we are undergoing. Emotional Healing can uplift us from any of the negative emotions and feelings, like, depression, sadness, anger or is being violent and paranoid, jealousy, hatred, having multiple personality disorders, addictions and hallucinations

“Old Age needs so little but needs that little so much.”- Margaret Willour. They deserve special care and attention!

Healing for Old age

Are you concerned about the well being of your elderly parents, friends and relatives? Do you want them to be happy and active? We might not be able to cater to all their needs and expectations but we can at least help them sustain and maintain their energy levels in a natural way. Avail the healing service to give them a daily dose of wholesome health. Easy, Accessible and at Affordable cost.


Manifestation of your dreams and wishes through the abundant prosperity energies of our Group

If you can dream it, you can do it. Be the energy you want to attract.

When we work in Group, energies are high therefore our objectives materialize rapidly, there is increase in our entitlement to manifest our target as well as the hurdles to achieve our goals dissolve more quickly. Utilize this service, this opportunity, to guide your life towards success by helping yourself engender your wishes faster and in a more effective way.

To get a New Job.

We will help you find the right Job with right/ best pay.

For Marriage

We will help you find the right partner in the right family.

To resolve Property Issues

We will aid in resolving property related issues.

For New Business/ For Success in Business

We will be of service to help you start a new business/ make your business successful/ make profit multiple fold.

To get Promotion

We will assist you in getting best salary hike.

To buy your Dream House

We will help you find/buy your dream house with manifestation techniques.


If you have any other specific target to achieve for which you need powerful focused energy, we will try our best to fulfill and manifest it.

To Conceive a Baby

We will support you to remove any obstacles against conceiving a baby.

For Relationship Issues

We will help you resolve your relationship Issues.