Yoga Prana Vidya Level 1: Introduction to Healing and Meditation techniques

  • Duration: 16 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: 16 years +

This course is an introduction to the world of energy healing, pranayama, meditation and spirituality. It offers an exhaustive understanding of the intricacies of how the physical and energy bodies interact and how to heal using this energy available freely in our environment.

Energy is the foundation of the physical world. Ancient spiritual traditions of the East and the esoteric schools of the West are unequivocal in their acknowledgment of a bio-plasmic body that is the ‘Life Force or Prana’ of the physical form of human beings. This bio-plasmic body is known by various terms like pranamaya kosha, aura, etheric double or energy body.

While the physical body comprises of 11 major organ systems, the energy body has a parallel structure of 11 major chakras. Ancient spiritual texts state that the complete human body is a composite of the physical and energy bodies.

Physical and mental ailments are the outcome of imbalances in the energy body.  When maintained properly, the energy body is a source of nourishment and protection and leads to holistic wellbeing.  Key take-aways from this course are as below:

  • Learn how to feel and sense an individual’s aura via the technique of energy feeling.

  • Delve into how the 11 major chakras of the energy body influence the major organ systems of the physical body.

  • Learn and apply these “no touch” energy healing techniques to prevent medical ailments before they arise.

  • Learn to heal yourself and your loved ones of health ailments ranging from the common cold to asthma, arthritis, hypertension, gastrointestinal ailments etc. without drugs or physical discomfort.

  • Master the pranayama technique of Rhythmic Yogic Breathing that increases lung capacity to 60% from the usual 15% of the average person. Learn to utilize the technique to strengthen immunity and reduce stress.

  • Learn advanced meditation technique to release stress, improve health, and sharpen mental faculties. Connect with your higher self and release emotional baggage, leading to improved relationships.

  • Get introduced to the teachings of virtues, the Yogic concepts of Karma and Ahimsa for creating a stress-free future.

    The student will be equipped with guided audios and handouts to continue their practices after the completion of the course.

Yoga Prana Vidya Level 2 : Healing and meditation techniques

  • Duration: 16 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: Completion of Level 1

This course builds upon the teachings of Level 1 to equip the student with specialized healing skills that combine colour with energy therapy.

The chakras of the energy body vibrate at different frequencies, each of which corresponds to specific colour on the light spectrum. The healing properties of different coloured light is combined with energy healing to yield better, more pronounced results in healing. Different combinations of coloured energy, used in varying strengths, can lead to different outcomes in the physical body. This course demystifies the chakra system and the significance of the colours associated with each chakra. Key take-aways from this course are as below:

  • Learn how to generate energy of specific frequencies, and of varying intensities, to increase the rate of healing of the physical body.

  • Learn specific techniques and protocols to heal and regenerate delicate internal organs, rejuvenate the lymphatic system, and boost immunity.

  • Learn to facilitate recovery of patients with complex medical cases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems.

  • Perform energy first-aid and increase the speed of recuperation of the physical body in cases of cuts, bruises, and fresh wounds.

  • Learn techniques of Divine, Instructive, and Group Healing that enable you to heal a large number of people at once.

  • Improve the accuracy and potency of energy feeling.

  • Expand on the technique of Planetary Peace Meditation, to heal your body of physical ailments while you meditate.

The student will be equipped with guided audios and handouts to continue their practices after the completion of the course.

Yoga Prana Vidya Level 3: Psychological Healing

  • Duration: 8 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: On Completion of Level 1 and Level 2

Level 3 techniques offer the healer the ability to produce behavioral and emotional changes in ourselves in significantly shorter time periods (few months) than traditional psychological procedures (years).

Human beings hold on to life experiences in the form of memories and emotional stimuli. Healthcare practitioners, including psychologists, have linked physical ailments as well as mental and behavioral illnesses to historical emotional trauma and stress. Medical science has also definitively acknowledged that cognitive, behavioral, and emotional illnesses as well as various physical ailments have their origin in the human psyche. Psychological ailments of the mind are a manifestation of specific negative emotional stimuli and suppressed emotions being held on by the physical body for a long time.

Trauma, stress, or difficult environmental factors that affect a person are stored in the chakras of the energy body; leading to all forms of illnesses. Psychosomatic ailments are those where physical ailments are aggravated or caused by mental factors of conflict and stress. Relationship issues arise due to an accumulation of stress and unresolved emotions. All of these manifest as specific energy patterns and are stored in specific chakras. Clearing the energy body helps in resolving emotional conflicts, repairing physical health, and rewiring the mind towards positive behavioral practices. Key take-aways from this course are as below:

  • Understand the root causes of neurodevelopmental disorders, personality disorders, other psychiatric ailments and learn techniques for their prevention.

  • Learn techniques to heal emotional and mental disorders, phobias, compulsive tendencies; thereby bringing about personality changes in the patient.

  • Prevent the development of psychosomatic ailments by releasing negative thought patterns and old programs.

  • Protect people from unhealthy influences, peer pressure, addictions etc.

  • Release negative programs that prevent personal and professional growth.

  • Heal relationships with your loved ones and improve soft skills.

  • Expand on the technique of Planetary Peace Meditation, to heal yourself from emotional and mental ailments as well as release previous negative programs while you meditate.

The student will be equipped with guided audios and handouts to continue their practices after the completion of the course.

Yoga Prana Vidya Crystal Healing

  • Duration: 8 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: Completion of Level 3

This course provides the healer with the ability to effectively use crystals for better and faster healing results.

Crystals and gemstones have consciousness that can be programmed to help the user in their practices. These can be used for several purposes like augmenting prosperity or performing better healings.

Crystals are capable of regulating the velocity and potency of the projected energy to hasten the healing process. They are a powerful tool to enhance the healer’s ability to project more energy and protect the healer from contamination. Key take-aways from this course are as below:

  • Learn about the various uses of different types of crystals and most effective ways of application.

  • Combine the use of crystals with YPV Level 2 and 3 teachings to improve the potency of your healings.

  • Program crystals to act as energy activators.

  • Learn the process of consecrating and deprogramming healing crystals and gemstones.

  • Use crystal pebbles in therapy for relaxation, destressing and healing.

  • Learn how to remove old programming, unwholesome energy, stress energy from gemstones and crystals.

The student will be equipped with guided audios and handouts to continue their practices after the completion of the course. Crystals will need to be purchased at an additional cost, as per the requirements of the practitioner.

YPV Psychic Self Protection

  • Duration: 8 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: Completion of Level 3

Learn the ancient skill of creating personalized amulets or talismans to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Various religions have used crystals, gemstones, and stones to protect their wearers from harm since times immemorial. The Egyptians used amulets to protect the wearer from danger. Hindus and Muslims use blessed thread for self-protection.

Most Indian houses exhibit blackened pots, lemons and chilies, etc. on the front porch to ward off evil. Evangelical teachings reiterate the importance of blessed water, blessed books, and crucifixes. This pervasive use of gemstones and daily objects to perform supernaturally is not a coincidence but an application of spiritual science. Key take-aways from this course:

  • Learns techniques that can be applied for protection of the self and others.

  • Learn how to divert unwanted energy, popularly known as the ‘evil eye.’

  • Understand the reasoning for seemingly superstitious, religious, practices and ceremonies.

  • Learn to transform the energy of your environment from stressful to soothing, positive, and loving.

  • Learn to maintain your energy levels and gain positive outcomes when faced with difficult people and situations.

  • Create your own charm bracelet – one that actually works!

  • Learn to program objects to fulfil specific goals and let them work to improve your financial success or bring about loving relationships.

  • Learn to deflect and divert negative energies directed by others and prevent them from affecting you or your loved ones.

The student will be equipped with guided audios and handouts to continue their practices after the completion of the course. Crystals and diversionary targets will need to be purchased at an additional cost, as per the requirements of the practitioner.

Achieving union with the Atma

  • Duration: 8 hours (in-person or online)

  • Eligibility: Open to all

The ‘Achieving Union with the Atma’ course is one of the foundation courses that explores human life, the purpose of religion, and the magnitude of human existence. It is an introduction to the human heritage that has been hidden from the masses for ages. In order to understand the purpose of one’s existence, one has to first acknowledge the scope of one’s presence. Without an appreciation of the sophistication of the human life experience, it is near impossible to step higher onto the ladder of spiritual evolution. This course is specifically designed to demystify the spiritual importance of each stage of the human life. More importantly, questions regarding the afterlife are answered with an enduring simplicity that aligns with all religious schools of thought.

If you’ve ever resisted the idea of being identified by your career, life choices, or decisions; you’ll appreciate the wisdom imparted in this course. This course also helps the seeker understand the importance of their Soul. Understand why your assertions of “I am something” are powerful and work as self-fulfilling prophecies. Learn how to tap this energy and make it work for you.

Learn techniques of meditation, breathing, and awareness that help you tap into the dormant energy (Soul Energy) and possibilities of your life.

Gain techniques of controlling your mind and treating it as a voluntary organ that functions for you, as opposed to you functioning for your mind. The course highlights the distinctions in these statements.

The meditation on the Atma is a profound experience that connects the seeker with the seed of Supreme Consciousness that resides within. Learn how to experience this connection with the Divine on a regular, consistent basis.